If you're looking for other Easter eggs and gifts to buy, check out my Vegan Easter Eggs and Gifts Shopping Guide!
There are fifteen eggs and gifts to win with four ways to win them (so make sure you do all four for more chances to win!):
- Contest (below) – 6 winners
- Instagram follow, like, and tag a friend (click here) – 3 winners
- Facebook page like, post like, and tag a friend (click here) – 3 winners
- Twitter retweet and follow (click here) – 3 winners
The free giveaway ends Saturday, March 27th at 23:59 and then the winners will be picked and notified.
If you're looking for other Easter eggs and gifts to buy, check out my Vegan Easter Eggs and Gifts Shopping Guide!
This competition is open to anyone anywhere in the world, but please note if you are outside of the UK, your prize will arrive after Easter.
This is one of the best giveaways i have entered, im a vegan, and its kepted me healthy and lean and the exact same weight since i was 16 yrs old 105pds, i will be 60 in june and still weigh 105 , you can do it and live a clean healthy life. Just give it a try. , check out the facebook , fabulous recipes. Tasty and even sweets.