We’re up for an award

Must Try Recipes

We've only gone and been nominated for an award!! The Vegfest 2017 awards – Best Vegan Magazine (second from last category on the page – you don't have to vote for every category to enter)

It would be incredible to even come as a runner up! We are a very small team and only on issue 3 but we have worked so hard to try and start building the foundations for our magazine and brand. Bringing you practical, easy, and delicious recipes, interesting articles you can really sink your teeth into, reviews you'll be thankful for and most importantly, lots of information on how to make your vegan lifestyle an easy one. Whether you have money and time to spare or you're a budget buyer and time saver. With advice for newbies and long timers. We have so much more lined up for future issues too so please vote for us!

You need to verify a link in the email to ensure your vote is sent through too. Thank you in advance if you do vote:


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